Touched Victorian Era

I didn't use to talk too much about my personal life since some coming emails asked plenty privacy questions. No no I mean not too privat I guess. But yah now you know. Actually I'm a good listener and just speak about my life only when somebody ask me. I'm proud of it because many people like to speak just about  theirselves and theirselves and theirselves again, but only a few persons are willing to sacrifice their time for listen other's story life.

However, both as a human and woman, if somebody asked about my life, I love to answer it! Because basically a person must be has feeling of importance of her own self.
(I've answered your questions by email ya :)

Well, today I won't talk about my personal life. This is a happy day and you see my outfit this day? I touched victorian style after watching some 1940s-50s movies with victorian era as their setting. Truly love clothing in this era. One word. Elegant. Just it.

Photography: DonnyIndra ; Outfit: Victorian lace top, pleated skirt, and boater hat
 Then I'm going to tell you this style secret. The hat! And today I use straw boater hat. Sweet yah? I'm just wondering where this kind of hat went and nowdays it's disappear?

Last, (actually this is out of my topic today) one big question that always haunts me these lately days is why women can't read maps? Why some experts don't make simpliest maps for women? (this question arised in sudden when I got lost several times)

Saturday, March 24, 2012 10 Comments

Waiting is Wasting

Did you ever feel bored when you have to wait for long long and very long time? I bet you did. I, you, and everyone did. Waiting for someone is for example. Ya. Don't they think that our time is precious? Yes yes I know that everyone has their own activity and business. But please when you have appointment with someone, please do come on-time. For God sake, this is one of the most important thing to build your credibility.

What I wear: Flowery vintage shirt, skinny jeans, vest, hat and leather bag. Photography: DonnyIndrap
One day when I have to wait for my friend who always come late and he late for about a half hour (only a half hour) but I get bored and I thought he was only wasting my time. Didn't he think that every second that I have is like a diamond?
But lately, I just realized why God only creates 24 hours a day and He creates some procrastinators as well. What God wants is not just waiting but do another better things I can do..

P.s. I know that I can't manage this blog well, I mean, always posts regularly  That's because I'm so busy lately. But I'll try my best to manage my blog better.

Saturday, March 3, 2012 4 Comments

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Clara Dian is the writter of this blog. She is an Indonesian girl who interested in fashion, wear-do, style, photography, and any other inspirations--. Contact: twitter @clalaaa ;


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